Sunday, September 7, 2014

Returning home before a long journey.

We all know that every day we are sending more of our boys and girls, young in age but old in spirit, over seas.  My oldest nephew Scott is soon to be one of them.  Home this week on leave, and gearing up to head to Iraq, he is a welcome sight in our lives.  He will be turning 21 on the 27th of this month, and was a graduate of NHS in 2005.  One of his "must do" things was to attend the football game this last Friday.  Of course, Norwich won, and the band stood to play the Tuba Salute (perhaps not the right title)...there on the bleachers, next to his younger brother Seth (a senior this year) stood my nephew playing as the second.  One taking the step of a lifetime as a senior and the other taking a leap as a member of the Army, and going off to a land so very far away...both remembering that little things like a victory at the football game is a memory worth making.  Our lives in school are a mere blink in the reality of our future, and yet, coming home before making the long journey in to the unknown and sharing something as small as a Tuba Salute seems like a moment that will last a lifetime.  Remember where you came from, who you wanted to be all those years ago, and reflect on if you actually got there yet.  If not, keep trying, and if you happen to see a young person still searching...willing to take every memory as if it were gold and treasure it...embrace their love for life....for family...for country and smile.  Life is what you make matter what.  Good luck Scotty, and be safe, for we are pulling for you here at home...The future is what you choose to make it Seth and we know you will create something amazing with you life.  Well done boys...well done!!!
Until next time..

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