Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lazy or uninspired?

Did you ever notice in this world of electronic gadgets, email and cell phones, there is still an inborn need for children to play in the dirt? I often hear people say that kids these days just have no imagination. I for one would have to disagree. I got the opportunity to watch 3 boys at the park today, ages 4,7 and 10, play together. They were strangers, never meeting before now, but within minutes they had taken up the age old pasttime of digging in the dirt. A short conversation later, and information of parents, siblings and club names (yes, in those few minutes they had formed a club) their world became a need to dig, even upending an anthill, complete with ants and gathering nuts long since discarded from the trees by the local squirrel population. I listened intently, and never once did I hear talk of Yu-Gi-Oh, cartoons, toys or other "imagination less" topics. I was blessed with cries of joy over uncovered pieces of wood and the phrase "look what I found" came to my ears more then once. Perhaps our perception of "kids these days" is altered by our lack of giving them opportunities to be, well, kids. Take them to the park, and then stand back and watch them play. Let them get dirty and make new friends that they may never see again, but will talk about for ever. Don't damn them to being your vision of what you think, just let them change what you see when you look. You might be surprised! Until next time...

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